Welcome back to 2021.
Having taken a bit of a break to enjoy sunshine and the wonderful surf in the morning and some "laying on the couch reading with cats" time in the afternoons - now I'm back. Thank you for tuning in.
In this episode I talk about what's coming up for this 7th year of the podcast. It's going to look a little different - there will be more from me.
Thank you so much for continuing to listen, for being here, for spending your precious time with me and my guests. I am honoured! Thank you
The interview conversations are definitely continuing - and there are some terrific guests lined up. Interviews I have already recorded and they are ready to go!
More from me = more mindset, more practical nitty gritty of finance and money and numbers - made simple! and more stories and case studies - of course honouring client confidentiality.
If you want to hear more about what's coming up - tune into this welcome back episode.
Would you like to work with me directly to learn the financial framework I use for all of my clients?
Accelerate your Business Financial Confidence starts next month and is a 6 week program + 2 follow up sessions that tackles the 3 greatest challenges most business owners face when it comes to understanding how money works in their business.
So if you are sick of not making enough money, of not making a profit and of not paying yourself what you what you deserve ... take a look at www.healthynumbers.com.au/money
NB: NOT a sales page - information and explanation of the Accelerate program
About Ingrid Thompson:
I'm super passionate about helping business owners - and especially women - to pay themselves what they deserve, to charge their value, to make a healthy profit in their business and to understand the numbers!
I'm the founder of Healthy Numbers and the author of So You Want to Start a Business.
We know that when you truly understand how money works in your business - you life changes completely and forever.
We're changing lives here - for the better! One healthy business at a time!